Friday, October 12, 2007

Remember the Blackshirts?

Do you remember when the Skers had an actual top notch defense? This video will shake up those cobwebs and Dr Tom doing the skull cross bones just sent chills through my spine.

See Steve Pederson, this was and is Nebraska football. However, this rotten athletic program is in far more trouble than just replacing a football coaching staff. This is about eliminating the stink of this current Athletic administration and examining the cozy relationship with University leadership.

UNL Chancellor Harvey Pearlman, we are coming after you next. Ultimately, this mess is your responsibility. Regents, be on notice. You both work for the tax payers of Nebraska.

Billy C's unnecessary contract extension exposes the lack of true oversight and high measurable standards into the football program's success. Billy C should have been evaluated after the season and not extended during it. A bar tender on O St could have told you that. We need some accountability for these truly awful decisions.

Looking the other way and hoping for success can not escape the reality that is displayed every Saturday.

Whether you like it or not, Nebraska football is the identity of the state and people take great pride in it's success. As Husker fans, we should and will not tolerate this type of performance on the field. Period. We are tired of being lied to, hyped up by 2 used car salesman, and continually let down when the car we were sold, breaks down on every Big 12 road trip.

So we built a new scoreboard and got some new weights, Who the F Cares? We are getting pounded by schools that we dominated for the past 40 years(remember the Big 2 and little 6? guess what program is near the bottom of the 0ld little 6 right now?) and we will be lucky to finish 500 this season. We have the worst Husker defense that I have seen in my 30 years of life. We can not run the ball at all and the west coast offense is more complicated than the farm bill. And it is not even cold yet!

This is not about the players as they are playing their A$$es off and I will still root for their success. I do not want them to fail. No fan does, no matter how much they hate this staff.

If Nebraska football was a stock, there would be a sell rating and investors would be looking to replace the people in charge. Instead at UNL, they get raises and bonuses.

Pederson and Billy C are both arrogant and condescending. They rub people the wrong way and this is magnified, when the DO NOT WIN!

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